
World Flags Android Application

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  • Created: 01 November, 2022
  • Update: 14 February 2024

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email via Item Support Page.

World Flags Application

Welcome to how to setup you new application, please follow the steps below.

How to setup Android Studio

Visit android official website : for full install guide.

If you prefer video tutorials, we recommend this playlist for the full installation process Youtube Playlist

How to run this project

  1. Unzip the downloaded code. After unzipping you will have World Flags - Android Code zip folder.
    Unzip World Flags - Android Code folder and open it in Android Studio or intellij
  2. Open Android Studio and select as Open.
    World Flags
  3. Select the Unzipped Folder and choose World Flags - Android Code Folder.

How to change package name

  1. Change package name for android app
    Just navigate the gear icon at the top and click True Appearance -> Compact Middle Packages.
    World Flags
  2. Right click th e package name you want to edit and click Refactor -> Rename.
    World Flags
  3. Click In Whole Project.
    World Flags
  4. Change the Package name and select All Places in the Scope.
    World Flags
  5. Click Do Refactor at the Bottom Left of the screen.
    World Flags
  6. Once you have changed the package name in the project files, Now you will do two more steps to change Package name of your android application.

    Select Build Gradle (App Module) in the Gradle Script.
    World Flags
  7. Change the package name 'com.kulmis.worldflags' to your new package name.
    World Flags
  8. One more time we have to modify our Manifests file.
    World Flags
  9. And Change the package name 'com.kulmis.worldflags' to your new package name.
    World Flags

How to change Application name

  1. Change application name for android app
    Just to res -> values -> string.xml and change the 'World Flags' to your new app name.
    World Flags

How to change Application Version

  1. Change application version for android app
    Just navigate to Build Gradle (App Module) and change the versionName & versionCode to your new Version name & Version Code.
    World Flags

How to change Application Colors

  1. Change application Colors for android app
    Just navigate to res -> values -> colors.xml and change the application colors.
    World Flags

How to change Application Icon

  1. Change application Icon for android app
    Right click the App directory -> New -> Image Asset.
    World Flags
  2. Change to your new App Launcher Icon and Click Next.

    World Flags

How to change Animation & Sound Files

  1. Change application Animation & Sound Files for android app
    To change the Animation & Sound files navigate to res -> raw and change the application animation & sound files there.
    World Flags

  2. Bonus: The Animations used in this app are available on LottieFiles Official website

How to Setup Application Admob Ads

  1. Setup Application Ads using Admob
    Before we update our application's Admob field let us create Ad Units in Admob Dashboard

    Click 'ADD APP' in Admob Dashboard.
    World Flags
  2. Choose 'Android' in the Platform, and 'No' in 'Is the app listed on a supported app store?'.
    World Flags
  3. Add your App name.
    World Flags
  4. You have succesfully Registerd you app on Admob.
    World Flags
  5. Click 'ADD AD UNIT' to generate new Ad Units.
    World Flags
  6. Choose Banner Ad for this Example, and click 'Select'.
    World Flags
  7. Name your Banner Ad and click 'Create ad unit'.
    World Flags
  8. Ad Unit Sucessfully created
    World Flags
  9. Now Copy your App ID & Ad Unit ID and Past them in your project by navigating to
    res -> values -> string.xml
    World Flags

  10. Note:
    Please don't use your Reals Ad Units if you are testing the app or using debbuging, insteade use the Dummy Ads which google supports, Read more on Admob Privacy & Policy Site

Setup Push Notifications

  1. We will use Onesignal & Firebase to send push notifications diract to the Application.
    First we will setup our Firebase Account, so click this link to start.
    World Flags

    World Flags

    World Flags

  2. Now let's go and setup a new Onesignal account.
    World Flags

    World Flags

  3. Now let's go back to our Firebase Project and copy the Server key & the Sender ID.
    World Flags

    World Flags

    World Flags

  4. Paste in Onesignal
    World Flags

    World Flags

  5. Now Copy your Onesignal App ID and Paste into the Application
    java -> [package_name] -> helper ->
    World Flags

    World Flags

How to Publish Your Application

  1. Now it's the time to Publish the Application to the Play Store.
    So we need to Generate a Signed Bundle of the Application, To do that Navigate to the Top bar and click
    Build -> Generate a Signed Bundle / APK
    World Flags

    World Flags

    World Flags

    World Flags
  2. Choose where to save your .jks file.
    I do save in my Android Project under [`KEY] Folder so as to not loss it!.
    World Flags

    World Flags

    World Flags

    World Flags

    World Flags

  3. Congratulations.

    You have succesfully generated your signed application, and you are ready to publish in the Play Store.
    To Publish you app to the Play Store just visit the Official Android Page
    Or you can Google it Since it's commanly used.
    If you prefare a video tutorial we recommend you to watch This Video.

Important Changes

  1. There are a few other things to consider.
    Navigate to helper -> and update the boxed fields.

    World Flags

  2. Note:
    Please don't change the [DON'T CHANGE BELOW FIELDS] part, it my cause your app not to work probably.


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Yes, you will receive our new update of the project with out extra payment.
Yes we do work as a freelancer, and we can do your future applications done!.
Yes, the app is ready to be published on Play Store.
We do reskin this and other projects, for this project particularly it may cost you only $15, From reskin to Live Publish.


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, So, Please send us Email via Item Support Page

We are located in GMT +3:00 time zone and we answer all questions within 12-24 hours in weekdays. In some rare cases the waiting time can be to 48 hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer).

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to our application like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.

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